Day Temp Member

Day Temporary Membership Application Form

Application for Day Temporary Membership

Each Day Temporary Member must have a sponsor, ie the member they are with. In addition they must also be authorised by an Event organiser, Flag officer, or Club Executive committee member or Race Officer, or Monthly Coordinator. who may also be the sponsor.

This is necessary because of club insurance requirements

if more than one day
Are you under 18? *
Are you confident in the water with a floatation aid? *

RISK STATEMENT: Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By going afloat in a WSC boat, you agree and acknowledge that:

  1. You are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and you accept responsibility for exposing yourself to such inherent risk whilst afloat.
  2. You will comply at all times with the instructions of the skipper/race officer/trial or event co-ordinator particularly with regard
    to handling of boats, wearing of suitable buoyancy aids and clothing.
  3. You accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by your own negligence.
  4. You are aware of any specific risks drawn to your attention by the Club co-ordinator/race officer.

MISCONDUCT: You understand that a Club official may exclude anyone from the WSC premises who does not comply with these Registration Terms or who causes damage or annoyance to other persons.

DATA PRIVACY: The information you provide will be used solely for dealing with you as a temporary member of WSC. Our Data Protection Policy can be found here. Please raise any queries concerning this policy with our Honorary Secretary


Read & Understood *

Parental / Guardian consent (if under 18)



who MUST be a member of Warsash Sailing Club


This MUST be obtained from a Flag Officer, Executive Committee member, Race Officer or Person of the month who may also be the Sponsor.