Optimist Open
27th July 2024
Many thanks to our sponsors. Xtremity Sports, North Sails and Spinlock for donating prizes and a huge thanks to Xtremity Sports for sponsoring the sausage sizzle for sailors.
- Notice of Race
- Sailing Instructions
- Arrival Information
- Timing Schedule
- Location Details
- Location Map
- Which Fleet should I choose?
- Main Fleet: This is suitable for sailors who are used to longer races, longer days on the water and sailing further to the start of the course. The fleet will not return to shore until racing is completed. It will be similar to other south coast optimist main fleet events.
- Racing Regatta Fleet: The racing regatta fleet is suitable for those who have done some early racing and are looking for a little more of a challenge. This fleet will race in an area just outside of the entrance to the Hamble River. This fleet will stay afloat until racing is finished so sailors need to take food and drink and be comfortable out in their boats for a few hours.
- Coached Regatta Fleet: The coached regatta fleet will be run for two hours over high tide in the area in front of Warsash Sailing Club. This will be a lower level than coached regatta has been at some of the recent optimist events and is aimed at those taking their first steps into racing in a friendly environment. Sailors should be capable of sailing round a triangular course.
- Competitors
- Join our Whats App group for communications in the run up and on the day.